Declutter your Chart with Data-Ink Ratio

Sudharsan Asaithambi
3 min readNov 19, 2017


When we are creating a new data visualization, more often than we add elements to the chart which adds miniscule details but takes attention away from the main takeaways.

To overcome this, Edward Tufte has come up with the concept of Data-Ink Ratio.

Edward Tufte defines Data-Ink as the non-erasable core of a graphic, that is the ink that has to be absolutely be there in the chart.

Lets walk through the Data-ink Ratio concept with a visualization of atomic masses of periodic table. The message of the below visualization is to convey how the atomic volume varies with atomic number and deviations.

We usually make a data visualization to tell a story or explain a concept to an audience. When you tell the story, you can apply three principles to make sure that the message you wanted to convey stand out in the story.

  1. Add all the important elements to the story(Data-Ink). This step should add the core of your message into your graphic.

2. Cutdown on all the clutter and side tracks and focus on the story (Non Data-Ink). In this chart, All the grid lines added deviate us from the main data points.

3. Remove all the unnecessary elements which add little or no value to the message you want to convey (Redundant Data-Ink). The ticks even though add some value, it is a little heavy on the original image which deviates us a bit. So, de-emphasize the ticks.

Now, this is a much better version of the chart to carry the message.

Folks at Darkhorse Analytics, a Canadian Analytics firm, have made multiple vizualizations to show the power of using the concept of Data-Ink ratio.

They give number of examples where they reduce the non-data-ink significantly and increase the data-ink ratio.

I highly encourage you to check these visualizations created by Darkhorse Analytics at

  1. Data looks better naked — Maps Edition
  2. Clear of the table
  3. Data look better naked
  4. Salvaging the pie

So, next time when you make your charts, I hope you keep the Data-Ink Ratio in mind and consiously think and differentiate those elements that adds value and those that clutter your chart. Please leave a comment below, to tell me how YOU draw this line when you make your chart.

